Magnet 2 1/2 x 2 1/2” with the original fort design and the words - "Celebrating Our History"
This ornament also contains Daniel Boone, the Divine Elm, rifle and powder horn and the Commemorative Years.
Circle ornament 6”. Contains the image of Daniel Boone, the Divine ELm, and the rifle and powder horn from The Fort Boonesborough Foundation logo. In addition is: 250 years Kentucky.
Wooden nickel 1 1/2” With the Divine Elm and the 250th desginated years.
This wall hanging in the shape of Kentucky containsThe Divine Ekm.Danuiel Boone, the fkintlock rifle and te dates 1775- 2025.
16x 8 3/4”
Fort Boonesborough 1775-2025
Also the Divine Elm Logo.
12x13 1/2” x6” Contains silhouettes of Daniel Boone, Chief Blackfish and the Divine Elm inside the State of Kentucky. Also includes the original fort design.