Fort Boonesborough

Winner of 2 History Awards From the Kentucky Historical Society


Kentucky History Award

Women on the Frontier 2009
Time and Place

In our fifth year of Women on the Frontier we are examining time and place. How life differed for a poor woman on the early Kentucky frontier to a more well off lady in Virginia and how a native woman of the same time dealt with the issues of her life. Our women presenters will examine various aspects of their lives so that we can compare them in relationship to Time and Place.

Friday Evening – Arrival anytime Friday,
                            Set Up, Check In,
                            Relaxing evening with The Women on the Frontier

9:00 AM  A Woman Comes to Kentucky – Presented by Kristi Heasley – Making the journey meant hard choices for families. What to pack, what to leave behind. Kristi has studied her own family records and inventories to support her choices of what was necessary on the frontier and what was expendable.

10:00 AM FEATURED SPEAKER  Berni New – Life in the Colonies
Berni spent three years working at Colonial Williamsburg and will shed some light on life in Virginia. As a re-enactor or historical interpreter this background is essential. You can’t make decisions on where you are going if you don’t have a foundation of where you have come from.

11:00 – 11:15 Break

Ongoing Programs – Although there will be a featured speaker each hour, the time from 11:15 to 3:00 will feature ongoing presentations in addition to those speakers. You may opt to choose between hearing one or all of the of the speakers or visit the ongoing demonstrations -   Pioneer Cooking with Laura WilyardHorsesense with Larry McQuown, Firing a Flintlock with Debby Jenkins, or Fire Starting with Bill Farmer. In addition Paula Reasoner will be in the Native Area discussing what the differences would have been for a Native Woman on the Frontier

11:15   Working with Leather – Michelle DeEsch

12:15 – Lunch (on your own)

1:15 – “Good Day – But Not OK” Language of the 18th Century – Cindy Northup

2:15  - Clare Sipple – Herbs and Plants of the Region

3:00 – 3:15 Break

3:15 -4:15 FEATURED PRESENTATION  - Maggie Delaney – The Life of an Indentured Servant – This presentation by Carol Jarboe shows the ultimate level in first person presentation. Although most people will never choose to take their interpretive skills to this level – it is a presentation that shows an aspect of first person interpretation and how learning the skills of a Frontier Woman can be put to a variety of uses - from simply being able to interact with the public at an historical event or as Carol does - turning it in to a full scale presentation.

4:30 – Fashion Presentation – An educational and humorous look at clothing of the times. Watch as two women from different times and places - show what they are wearing - a layer at a time. Presented by Paula Reasoner and Kristi Heasley.

6:00 – Dinner provided by the Fort - Cooked on site by Women on the Frontier. If you stop by Laura Wilyard;s cooking demonstration be prepared to peel a potato or two to add to the pot!

Evening Entertainment – TBA


9:00 An Old Fashioned Hymn Sing with Martha and Rosanne Gordon
        Sermon by Parson John

10:00 – 11:30 All Things Natural with Bill Farmer (This was the most asked for program from last year – so we have allowed Bill additional time – per your requests!)

11:30 – 12:30 – Lunch on your own

1:00 – 1:15 Group Photo

1:15  The 3rd Annual Skills Course  - A chance for the participants to put together the skills they have learned over the weekend. Skills course being managed by Michael Fields and Scott Heasley.  Any women participant can sign up to enter the skills course. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the contest. Depending on the number of participants the day will wrap up at the end of the contest usually between 3-4 pm

Schedule subject to change without notice.

The Fort Boonesborough Foundation will be on site for WOTF weekend selling modern  food and drinks. Proceeds benefit the Foundation.


Most presentations will take place in the half face shelter  behind the back fort gates. In case of inclement weather main presentations will be moved to the auditorium  (orientation.)

Other presentations will be spaced throughout the fort grounds. Printed schedules with up to date locations will be available upon arrival at the fort.


The original Fort Boonesborough was built by Daniel Boone and his men in 1775


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