Fort Boonesborough

Winner of 2 History Awards From the Kentucky Historical Society


Kentucky History Award

The Fireside Chats 2013

Pvt William Greathouse brings a fresh face to The Fireside Chats


“Here’s a toast to all of Kentucky’s great leaders”


See a short video clip of the performance

Private William Greathouse as portrayed by Harry Smith.

The first Chat of 2013 was Pvt William Greathouse a War of 1812 Militia Soldier. Portrayed by 17 year old Harry Smith, visitors were transported to the year 1813. The War had started the previous year and Kentucky’s sons had volunteered in great numbers. As the most populated frontier state, Kentuckians felt they had the most to gain in pushing back Tecumseh and his Indian confederation along with the everpresent British.

Smith’s presentation had all of the exuberance of a young man heading off to war. He told his story which touched upon the somber - encountering the remains of bodies after The Battle of the River Raisin, and the deaths of many Kentuckians at The Battle of the Thames. He also included light hearted moments that young men out for adventure would have experienced.


A Dinner of Frontier Fare


Maggie Delaney brings her emotional story to The 2013 Chats

Maggie Delaney portrayed by Carol Jarboe received rave reviews. It was her third performance at the Fireside Chats - having been there in 2009 and 2010. Jarboe has done extensive research into indentured servitude and has compiled them into a dynamic first person portrayal in which “Maggie Delaney” tells the story (at the insistence of her master- Parson John) of her life,  from leaving her home in Ireland and boarding the ship for the colonies. She and her husband and 3 children signed indenture papers  for their passage since they could no longer pay the inflated rents in Ireland.

It was in Maggie’s words “no gentle journey” being sold into virtual slavery and having no control over her life.

Comments from our Visitors:

We have attended many historical programs, but Maggie, the Indentured Servant, had to be the best! “

“ We want to tell you Saturday night was the best program we have ever seen, the lady was wonderful.  Thank you for all you do in getting these programs up...”


Visit the Pioneer Times to learn more about Maggie Delaney and her performance at the Fireside Chats

Tecumseh and The Prophet

tecumseh 3a

The 2nd February Chat on February 16, took visitors on a time travel through the late eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century. The Shawnee Indian,  Tecumseh grew to manhood during the Indian wars following the American Revolution. Born about 1768 - he traveled extensively through the Ohio territory where he was born, south to the Cherokee land in Tennessee, west to Missouri and north into Canada.

Michael Fields who portrayed Tecumseh and Randy Bales as his brother The Prophet gave the audience a glimpse into their lives. The Indian lands were constantly being diminished by the new American government and by about 1803 Tecumseh was active in building a confederation of all Indian tribes. His brother was actively dealing with the more spiritual aspects of Indian culture - encouraging his followers to return to the old ways.


Visit the Pioneer Times for more photos and a newsreel of this performance.

The original Fort Boonesborough was built by Daniel Boone and his men in 1775


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